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Two Fun And Inexpensive Weekend Ideas

Looking for some fun, but super cheap ideas for a nice weekend? We have two great ideas!

You know those weeks that are just so exhausting you come home on Friday and don't want to venture out of your home for the rest of the weekend? Well we had one of those weeks--and that's exactly what we did--stay in! But we knew that if we were going to hunker down at home and get some work done, we needed to have some rewards for an enjoyable weekend. We found two really fun things to do: make a tea and watch rented movies.

Curry and I both love hot tea and having tea sandwiches. One of the

most enjoyable things we did on our honeymoon was have tea at an English tea room! We wanted to recreate the experience, so we decided to have a tea at home. Our menu consisted of Scottish Breakfast tea, cheddar biscuits with country ham, lemon scones, and sugar tea cookies. If you're ever looking for easy recipes for two people, Dessert for Two is the place to go and it was the first place I went to find tea recipes. We did modify the recipes a little to fit our tastes (no garlic in the biscuits, and instead of meyer lemons we used regular lemons). Of course we had to add the country ham because no true biscuit would be complete with out it! To serve the tea, we coupled our vintage blue and yellow china with one of Curry's traditional salt glazed tea pots. The mix of handmade pottery and hand painted china made for a beautiful paring!

For the weekend we also rented DVDs from our local library and chowed down on movie snacks. I'd never rented movies from the library before, but it was FREE and easy, so I will definitely do it again! I could place holds on DVDs I wanted and the library sent me an email notifying when they arrived. The library pretty much had anything available that we wanted to watch. One of our favorites from the weekend was Cinderella (2015 version). I hope you can find some DVDs you like at your local library.

To top it off, we had lots of popcorn, twizzlers, tea, and cookies while enjoying a nice but productive weekend at home!

Thank you for reading! Sarah

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